La dottrina della verità senza la dottrina della città. Per una critica della teoria heideggeriana della tecnica.

Roberto Finelli

Università degli Studi Roma Tre


Valeria Cademartori, Dismissioni, 2007. Su gentile concessione dell’autrice.

Abstract: Martin Heidegger’s philosophy linked the question of “technique” with the reproposal, in modern terms, of the ancient and medieval category of Being. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate 1) that the conception of Being as an absolute principle of reality belongs to a primitive and archaic stage of Greek philosophy, still profoundly influenced by a culture of magism and language; 2) that the principle of an ontology distorted by an inadequate philosophy of language cannot be proposed again as the basis of modern and contemporary philosophy; 3) that the development of what is téchne in ancient Greece’s philosophy and culture was linked precisely to the overcoming of Eleatism and metaphysics of Being.
Keywords: τέχνη; Heideggerian theory of the technique; primitive mentality; philosophy of language; Sophists; Plato; Aristotle.

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