Archivi tag: Lyotard

“Questa testa di Medusa dentro”. Politiche della delegittimazione ne ‘Il dissidio’ di J.-F. Lyotard

Sergio Alloggio

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Abstract: This article constitutes the second part of the essay “‘This head of Medusa within’: Politics of delegitimation in Jean-François Lyotard’s The Differend”, the first part of which was published in «Consecutio Temporum», no. 3, 2012. I begin by investigating Lyotard’s organic approach to Kant and argue that from the Critique of Pure Reason to Kant’s political works, Lyotard’s reading is wrought through the phrasal dispositif which illuminates how a politics of delegitimation takes place between Lyotard and Kant. Within Lyotard’s reading of Hegel the phrasal dispositif is made to engage with its inverted Continua a leggere

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“Questa testa di Medusa dentro”. Politiche della delegittimazione ne ‘Il dissidio’ di J.-F. Lyotard

Sergio Alloggio

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This article is the first part of a two-part essay that approaches Lyotard’s masterpiece Le différend aiming at a structural reconfiguration of the book itself. The second part of the essay will appear in the next issue of Consecutio temporum. As a general introduction to the Lyotardian emphasis on judgment, I use a self-absolutory confession made by Derrida in his Before the Law, a confession on the decisive role played by judging in Derrida’s own deconstructive enterprise as a whole. The Differend is then genealogically analyzed to show how a specific ontology, epistemology and Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Lessico della postmodernità | 1 commento