Archivi categoria: Dossier – Le idee fuori posto (a cura di Giovanni Zanotti)

Disuguale e combinato. La rilettura della dialettica nella teoria critica brasiliana


Giovanni Zanotti

Università. di Brasilia (; ORCID: 0000-0001-8800-



Uneven and Combined: The Reinterpretation of the Dialectic in Brazilian Critical Theory 

Abstract: This article briefly introduces three texts from the tradition of Brazilian critical theory, whose Italian translations are presented here for the first time: Roberto Schwarz’s inaugural essay As ideias fora do lugar (“Misplaced ideas”, 1972), Paulo Arantes’s A fratura brasileira do mundo (“The world’s Brazilian fracture”, 2001), and a recent scholarly contribution by Luiz Philipe de Caux and Felipe Catalani. Following the reconstruction of the Brazilian debate on the “point of view of periphery” offered … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Dossier - Le idee fuori posto (a cura di Giovanni Zanotti), NUMERO 13 | Lascia un commento

Le idee fuori posto


 Roberto Schwarz 

Traduzione di Giovanni Zanotti 


Schiavitù in Brasile, Jean Baptiste Debret


Misplaced Ideas 

Abstract: This essay, written in 1972, is one of the cornerstones of Brazilian critical theory. From the standpoint of literary criticism, with a special focus on Machado de Assis’s late work, it analyzes the ideological mechanism of 19th-century Brazilian society, where European liberal ideas are “misplaced”, i.e., contradicted by slavery, yet are absorbed according to a peculiar logic, regardless of their own content. Precisely such “second-degree ideologies”, however, allow for a more intuitive understanding of liberalism’s intrinsic contradictions and an original … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Dossier - Le idee fuori posto (a cura di Giovanni Zanotti), NUMERO 13 | Lascia un commento

La frattura brasiliana del mondo. Sguardi dal laboratorio brasiliano della globalizzazione


 Paulo Eduardo Arantes 

Traduzione di Giovanni Zanotti 


 The World’s Brazilian Fracture: A Look from the Brazilian Laboratory of Globalization 

Abstract: This 2001 essay discusses the concept of the “brazilianization” of the world, proposed in the 1990s by American, French, and German social scientists to designate the increasingly dual character of urban structures and labor markets in their respective societies. Referring back to traditional debates within Brazilian critical theory on dualism and dependency, it claims, on one side, that the “dualization” between a center and a periphery must be understood as a necessary effect of their contradictory unity. On … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Dossier - Le idee fuori posto (a cura di Giovanni Zanotti), NUMERO 13 | Lascia un commento

Il passaggio dal due allo zero. Dualità e disintegrazione nel pensiero dialettico brasiliano (Paulo Arantes lettore di Roberto Schwarz)


 Luiz Philipe de Caux & Felipe Catalani 

Traduzione di Felipe Catalani rivista da Giovanni Zanotti 

 Luiz Philipe de Caux: Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (; ORCID: 0000-0002-2458-5563); Felipe Catalani: Universidade de São Paulo (; ORCID: 0000-0001-5133-3145). 


Paulo Arantes



 The Passage from Two to Zero: Duality and Disintegration in Brazilian Dialectical Thought (Paulo Arantes as a Reader of Roberto Schwarz) 

Abstract: We try to explore the repercussion in the work of the philosopher Paulo Arantes of Roberto Schwarz’s ground intuition in his essay “Misplaced ideas”. The point of view of capitalism’s periphery (which overcomes itself … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Dossier - Le idee fuori posto (a cura di Giovanni Zanotti), NUMERO 13 | Lascia un commento