Il Nome del Padre: da primo(-rdiale) finisce coll’arrivare sempre per ultimo

 Roberto Finelli

 Università degli Studi Roma Tre (

Abstract: The essay intends to critically examine the difficulties of the passage in Freudian thought from individual psychology to collective psychology. The basic thesis is that in the thought of the Viennese master there is too easy a projection of the first on the second. The thesis of the primitive horde and the dominant male configures, according to the author, a birth of the history and primitive socialization of human beings established on physical force alone. In this way, and in a paradoxical way for Freud’s own humanism, a magical-symbolic-cultural component of the beginning of civilization is completely neglected, as the anthropological work of Levi-Strauss has on the contrary well indicated. But what is most surprising, in the author’s opinion, is that in this way Freud, in the need to expand the imperialism of psychoanalysis on all the human sciences, first and foremost, the historical ones, returns to a theorization of “scene real “which he had completely abandoned in favor of a” scene of seduction only fantasmatized “precisely in the original founding act of psychoanalysis.
Keywords: Imperialismus of Psychoanalisys; Origin of History; The Name of Father; Primary Scene; Levi-Strauss; Lacan.

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