Archivi categoria: Questioni di metodo

Rileggendo Marx: nuovi testi e nuove prospettive

Michael Heinrich*

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Permettetemi di iniziare con un’osservazione personale sulla mia lettura de Il capitale. Sono circa 43 anni che leggo Il capitale, e devo dire che non mi sono ancora annoiato. Leggerlo è come compiere un avventuroso viaggio intellettuale, ma per godere appieno di quest’esperienza è richiesto un tipo di impegno diverso da quello a cui ci ha ormai abituato il sistema universitario europeo, per il quale «leggere» significa solamente individuare in maniera grossolana alcune delle tesi principali esposte in un’opera.

Leggere Il capitale significa comprenderne la … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | 2 commenti

A partire dal sottotitolo del Capitale: Critica e metodo della critica dell’economia politica

Tommaso Redolfi Riva*

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to explain the concept of «critique of political economy» (CPE) in Marx’s mature work. Starting from the different meanings CPE assumes, I will try to explain the peculiarities of such a critical project. In particular, I will focus the attention on CPE as a critique of capital as objective-subjective totality: on the one side, as a system of social production whose aim is the valorisation of capital, based on the appropriation of unpaid labour and generating a system of socialisation of production increasingly … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | 1 commento

Systematic Theory Building and Empirico-Historical Argument in Marx’s Capital

Frieder Otto Wolf

Freie Universität Berlin

Abstract: Marx’s conception of the ideal average provides an approach to a productive re-discussion of Marx’s epistemological practice in Capital. As a specific approach to systematic theory-building underlying Marx’s critique of political economy it opens a way, with the implied distinction between systematic theory building and empirico-historical exemplification and analysis, it makes it possible today to reconstruct Marx’s «materialist dialectics». More specifically it is claimed, that Marx’s insights into the «limits of dialectical presentation» should be interpreted in a way that makes his «dialectics» compatible with modern, post-fregean … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | Lascia un commento

La dialettica marxiana come critica immanente dell’empiria

Stefano Breda

Freie Universität Berlin

Abstract: The paper aims to show that a materialist understanding of the method followed by Marx in his critique of political economy requires going beyond both the traditional logical-historical interpretation of dialectics and the logical-systematic interpretation developed within the Neue Marx-Lektüre.
Keywords: Marx; dialectics; materialism; Neue Marx-Lektüre; immanent critique
1. Un campo di tensione teorica
La questione della specificità del metodo dialettico seguito da Marx nella sua critica dell’economia politica rispetto a una dialettica idealista è stata al centro di accesi dibattiti … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | Lascia un commento

The Proof is in the Pudding: on the Necessity of Presupposition in Marx’s Critical Method

Elena Louisa Lange*

University of Zurich

Abstract: Marx’s labour theory of value cannot be understood without the critique of the value theories of classical political economy, especially that of Adam Smith and David Ricardo. It is therefore by necessity inflicted with the presupposition of its own intellectual context. Presupposition however is not only central to the formation of the labour theory of value as «analogous to Newton’s Laws in mechanics» (Duncan Foley) in the realm of social science. Presupposition, a strong Hegelian topos, also basically informs the level of Marx’s critique as the … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | Lascia un commento

‘Every beginning is difficult, holds in all sciences’ Marx on the Economic Cell Form of the Capitalist Mode of Production

Bob Jessop*

Lancaster University, UK

Abstract: Marx and Engels followed the natural sciences closely and held that there was only one science: history, embracing nature and society. This contribution notes the influence of Darwinism, thermodynamics and cell biology in Marx’s critique of political economy and examines the least-discussed of these influences: cell biology. For Marx eventually settled on the value-form of the commodity, described as the economic cell form of the capitalist mode of production (CMP), as the starting point for Capital. At stake here is Marx’s deep interest in the natural sciences … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | Lascia un commento

Le note del Capitale su Lucrezio e Darwin.

Vittorio Morfino

Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

Abstract: The article takes into consideration the notes of the Capital in which Lucretius and Darwin are quoted. The author, carefully reconstructing the theoretical context in which the Latin poet and the English naturalist are mentioned, proposes an interpretation, which goes from the certain to the conjectural, of the Marxian strategy that commands these notes.
Keywords: Lucretius; Darwin; Spinoza; mechanicism; organicism
Proporrò nel breve spazio di questo articolo un’analisi del riferimento marxiano a Lucrezio e Darwin nel primo volume del Capitale. Si … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | Lascia un commento