Per un universalismo senza restrizioni. Questione meridionale e conflitto sociale da Edward W. Said a Ernesto de Martino

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10283565


Marco Gatto 

Università della Calabria (; orcid: 0000-0002-5223-471X). 



An unrestricted universalism. Southern question and class struggle in Edward W. Said and Ernesto de Martino 

Abstract: The article aims to set up a path of reflection capable of dialectically tightening the concepts of universalism, Orientalism, the Southern question and class conflict, considering the fundamental contribution of Edward W. Said and Ernesto de Martino, two authors who have so far, unjustly, not been juxtaposed. 
Keywords: Universalism; Southern Question; Orientalism; Nation; Identity. 

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