Archivi categoria: Monografica I – Les crises du XXIème : des crises de société nouvelles ?

Mi-temps de la crise. Expériences, questions, anticipations

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7406812

 Étienne Balibar 

 Département de Philosophie, Unité de recherche Sophiapol, Université Paris Nanterre

Gideon Mendel. Chinta and Samundri Davi, Salempur Village, Bihar, India, August 2007

Interval of the Crisis. Experiences, Questions, Anticipations
Abstract: Written in the midst of the pandemic in 2020, this article aims to interrogate the current period of crisis and its challenges from the double meaning of the Greek term, thus highlighting the close links between medicine and politics. In the first part, the contribution focuses on the emergence of protests against state racism in the United States and on the “Black … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica I - Les crises du XXIème : des crises de société nouvelles ?, NUMERO 12 | Lascia un commento

La pandémie de Covid-19 est-elle une “crise sanitaire”?

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7406540

 Elsa Bansard 

 CNRS/MSH Paris Saclay, Laboratoire SPHERE


Gideon Mendel. Heff and tracy Warer’s-Staines-upom-Thames, Surrey, UK, February 2014

Is the Covid-19 Pandemic a “Health Crisis”?
Abstract: We will question the uses of the term “crisis” on the occasion of the Covid 19 pandemic. To do so, we will analyze the discourses of researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the media in France, from March 1st 2020 to June 1st 2022. The aim is to understand how the SHS have deconstructed the qualification of the pandemic as a health crisis in order to propose … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica I - Les crises du XXIème : des crises de société nouvelles ?, NUMERO 12 | Lascia un commento

La signification des pouvoirs de crise économiques chez Eric Posner et Adrian Vermeule: temporalité du droit et fin de l’histoire

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7406555

 Marie Goupy 

 Institut Catholique de Paris, LLCP-Université Paris 8


Gideon Mendel. João Peira de Argúia, Taquari District, Rio Branco, Brazil, March 2015

The Meaning of Emergency Economic Powers in Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule’s Theory: Temporality of Law and End of History
Abstract: This paper aims to question the transformation of the legal concept of crisis, through that of emergency powers, notably linked with their extension to new fields of application, in particular, to economy. To do so, it proposes to expose the analysis of two American jurists, Eric A. Posner and Adrian … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica I - Les crises du XXIème : des crises de société nouvelles ?, NUMERO 12 | Lascia un commento