Archivi categoria: Varia

Sacrificio a un dio oscuro. Céline dal Voyage au bout de la nuit all’antisemitismo come stato d’animo

Mario Pezzella 


Abstract: Bagatelle for a massacre and Céline’s anti-Semitism. The first novels. Journey at the end of the night. The trauma of war, colonialism and the Fordist factory. Death on credit. The disintegration of the patriarchal family and the loss of the father figure. Orphanhood as an obsessive metaphor. The passage from nihilism as an object of description to nihilism as a self-destructive drive. The influence of Freud and Beyond the pleasure principle. Céline as a mirror of the collective unconscious and of the affective tone of fascism. Psychological reasons for anti-Semitism. The … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 11, Varia | Lascia un commento

Habitus, monade e armonia. Alcuni nodi leibniziani nel pensiero di Pierre Bourdieu

Miriam Aiello

 Università degli Studi Roma Tre ( 


Abstract: The article is a contribution to the analysis of some of the many Lebnizian themes that have contributed to animate and shape the structure of Pierre Bourdieu’s social theory. In particular, the article examines some elements of contact and affinity between the Bourdieusian concept of habitus and the Leibnizian concept of monad, as well as between the system of the correspondence between first- and second-order objectivity developed by Bourdieu and the model of harmony theorised by Leibniz.
Keywords: Bourdieu; Leibniz; Habitus; Monad; Harmony.
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Pubblicato in NUMERO 11, Varia | Lascia un commento

Il circolo dell’ascesi. Per una dialettica del valore d’uso come bisogno generico

Roberto Gerace

 Università di Pisa ( 

Abstract: The essay proposes to extend the paradigm of Real Abstraction to the sphere of the Theory of Need. Previous studies have dealt with needs in a Marxist key (Heller, Keucheyan), attempting to define how to recognize which ones are authentic. Nevertheless, they haven’t got rid of the antinomy between luxury and frugality, which the same Marx in the 1844 Manuscripts considered typical of bourgeois economists. Taking suggestions from the pages on Needs, Production, and the Division of Labor, this paper aims to define use value as general need: to work … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 11, Varia | Lascia un commento

Ucraina: il bambino conteso

Anna Maria Sassone


Abstract: The author, drawing on her own experience as a psychoanalyst, focuses in a few lines on the dynamics peculiar to all conflicts, both personal and collective. She assumes a reading in which the internal and external worlds reflect each other, just as the universal reflects the personal. Wars, all wars, starting with the war in Ukraine, should be approached in the same way as a child disputed by parental ‘superpowers’, by considering and understanding the reasons of all the parties involved in order to avoid any form of totalitarian Manichaeism. Children caught … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 11, Varia | Lascia un commento